Sunday, September 29, 2013

Surfer rides waves with dolphins in amazing once-in-a-life-time moment

 A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media
A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media Source: Supplied
THIS is the incredible moment a surfer experienced the rush of his life, by surfing with dolphins.
The amazing photograph is a once-in-a-life-time shot and captures the exact moment a dolphin breaches free of the water into the oncoming path of a surfer.
Although dolphins have been known to share the waves with surfers in the past, very rarely are they photographed leaving the water completely and on the same wave.
Self-taught photographer, Matt Hutton, 31, thought he would try his hand at some surfing photography after buying a new Canon 70-200mm lens and x2 extender and just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

 A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media
A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media Source: Supplied
After stopping in the small surfer town of Kalbarri, while travelling between Perth and his home in Wickham, Western Australia, locals advised Matt of a few great spots for photo opportunities but was told that dolphin sightings were not common.
Against the odds, Matt managed to snap local surfer Trent Sherborne just as the dolphin bursts out of the waves.
Matt said “ I was travelling back from Perth to Wickham on a road trip which is a 1500km drive along the coast of Western Australia.

 A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media
A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media Source: Supplied
The purpose of the trip was to take photos to add to my portfolio, I had no idea I was going to get such wonderful shots of dolphins.
“While I was taking some photos of the surfers, I noticed there were quite a few photographers with some serious lenses so I assumed this must be a popular place to take photos, one photographer even said that he had been there hundreds of times but only seen dolphins on a few occasions.
“I was getting some great photos of Trent Sherborne surfing this awesome wave, when a pod of dolphins decided to join him.

 A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media
A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media Source: Supplied
“On the first occasion I captured two dolphins sharing a wave with him and a few separate photos of just the dolphins by themselves.
“We were about to leave for the day and I followed Trent in on what was going to be my final shot of the day when a dolphin jumped out of the water beside him, at this point I was a little excited and zoomed in on my LCD screen to make sure it was in focus, which it was.

 A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media
A dolphin springs from the water in front of unsuspecting surfer, Trent Sherborne. Picture: Picture Media Source: Supplied
“It really is a very rare shot and I was so lucky to have been at the right place and right time and in regards to the dolphin and the surfer, Trent said he knew it was him in the photo as it’s not everyday you get to eyeball a Dolphin, so it was pretty close!
“ I have had so many people write kind emails, messages, comments etc and it has been a very humbling experience, it is simply the highlight of my small photography career.
“A few people think its photoshopped but I can assure you they’re not!”