Monday, September 30, 2013

Why being rude can really work in your favour

No more Mr Nice Guy. Christian Bale in American Psycho. Picture: Supplied
No more Mr Nice Guy. Christian Bale in American Psycho. Picture: Supplied Source: News Limited
THESE days, most of the work advice you get is very PC. Follow the golden rule. Be nice. Make a good impression.
Of course, that doesn’t address the reality — that sometimes being a sinner instead of a saint can get you ahead at work.
Here’s how the seven deadly sins can take your career to the next level.
Does it pay to tell your incompetent boss what you really think of him? Probably not. That said, anger can be a productive motivating force if employed properly.
Instead of stewing over all the wrongs you’ve experienced at work, use the force of your fury to propel you forward.
Some of my most significant leaps professionally have been born out of being mad. Tired of being rejected, sick of being ignored, I’ve used the energy of my frustration to drive through the “nos” until I got the “yes” I wanted.
Last summer, I had more work than I could handle. Or so I thought. Multiple multi-million-dollar brands were asking me to generate content for their social media strategies. At every turn, my impulse was to decline taking on more. I was sure I would get overwhelmed and the spinning plates would crash to the ground.
At the same time, the work paid extremely well. So, I kept taking on more, and to my surprise, I continued to excel. By chasing the cash, I discovered I could accomplish more than I thought.
I’m not a 9-to-5er. I work well in the morning and in the evening. I’m least productive during traditional working hours. That said, it’s not exactly easy to allow yourself to be unproductive when you know others are at their most productive.
Ignoring how you’re “supposed” to work is the key to figuring out the work style that’s the best fit for you. Sometimes, protracted unproductive periods are what take you to a place where you find yourself doubly creative and innovative.
Tap into your inner greed to make more money. Pictured, Anna Gunn as Skyler and Bryan Cranston as Walter in Breaking Bad. Picture: Supplied Source: Supplied
Since I started covering the “vice beat,” I’ve learned that the reptilian brain is what sin business CEOs know best. They don’t concern themselves with what we say we want. They make money off the products that feed our primal urges.
It’s not about sex. It’s about thinking empathically. The hyper-logical employee misses this entirely. He tries to push through plans without understanding what his superiors and peers really desire. Understand the base drives that motivate your employees and your employers, and you’ll get ahead.
I’ve being doing yoga for years. Yoga wants me to not want everything I want. It wants me to release attachments. It wants me to be satisfied with what I have. It wants me to stop wishing I had the abs/butt/arms of the woman doing downward dog perfectly in front of me and concentrate on getting my hips to the sky as I reach my heels to the mat.
Identify someone whose job you’d like to have. Resenting them is pointless. Alternately, consider this: Whose life do you want, and what can you do to get where they are?
Pride is a double-edged sword. One the one hand, doing good work of which you’re proud can get you recognised and promoted. On the other hand, everyone knows that woman who undermines her career by braying about all the successes she’s had. Too humble, and your boss won’t recognise all the hard work you’re doing. Too cocky, and the C-suite will despise you and excommunicate you.
The goal is to be strategically humble. “Pride goeth before a fall” has felled many arrogant aspirants, so how do you know if you’re coming across as a braggart or if you’re about to be passed over for not bragging enough? Reframe your personal accomplishments as corporate wins. Shift “I” to “we” as you share the story of your achievements. Explain how what you did helps the organisation, not just you. In doing so, you’ll conceal your pride in the cloak of humility.
Fundamentally, you’re not working with people — you’re working with animals. Sure, they pound away on computers, use polysyllabic words, and sport leather shoes. Still, they’re beasts at heart.
Consider the Wall Street guy who takes his client to a high-end Manhattan strip club with a restaurant that serves filet mignon. He’s pushing every button he can, from food to sex. He’s selling his proposal to a client who wants to say yes to everything around him. And that’s how he wins.