Thursday, December 12, 2013

Murder of Shahzeb Khan

Murder of Shahzeb Khan is about the killing of university student Shahzeb Khan on 25 December 2012 in Karachi, which sparked country-wide outrage against the abuse of power by the wealthy in Pakistan. On 7 June 2013 Shahrukh Jatoi, son of Sindhi feudal Sikandar Jatoi and Siraj Talpur, from the Talpur clan, were sentenced to death for this crime, while Sajjad Talpur and Ghulam Murtaza Lashari were sentenced to life imprisonment for aiding the two killers.[1] However in September 2013 Shahzeb's parents, DSPAurangzeb Khan and Ambreen Aurangzeb, decided to file an affidavit with the court pardoning all four accused and requesting their release.[2]
Karachi is in Pakistan


During the night of 24 December 2012, Shahzeb Khan's sister was on her way back home from her own Walima reception. She was being eve-teased by Ghulam Murtaza Lashari (Talpur's servant), which resulted in a fight between Shahzeb on one side and the Talpurs, accompanied by their friend Shahrukh Jatoi on the other side.[3] After the fight had ended the Shahrukh and Siraj eventually traced Shahzeb again and gunned him down.[4]
Initially no arrests were made, which caused a significant social media movement demanding justice for Shahzeb Khan. On 7 January 2013 Siraj Talpur, Sajjad Talpur and Ghulam Murtaza Lashari were arrested in connection with the murder. Shahrukh Jatoi had fled toDubai in the meantime, but was later arrested as well. Eyewitnesses then identified the suspects. After several changes of prosecution personnel, the charges were finally filed in March. In June 2013 the main accused, Shahrukh Jatoi and Siraj Talpur were sentenced to death. The fact that Jatoi was seen smiling into the cameras even at the time when the verdict was read, triggered a lot of negative reactions among the general public in Pakistan.
In September Shahzeb's parents asked the court to pardon the killers in a surprising announcement. While the official version is, that they did so "in the name of Allah", there are strong indications that this was done due to threats to the rest of the family.